Volume 19, Issue 09
St. Augustine Evangelical Bible Church, Cor. Agostini & Bellesmythe Sts. Curepe
This building, this building so full of history,
How we came to be here, though, is not a mystery.
Rev. Crane left his American home and came to Trinidad,
This missionary wanted others to know the Truth he had.
In 1966 from tent meetings to services in homes around Curepe,
Four moves later, at this corner we became more permanently set.
This site was purchased, for $360,000, in 1981,
Back then (even now) that was quite a hefty sum.
IS/IVCF, the tenants, brought some financial relief,
So, 14 years later, by 1995, all payments were complete.
God showed, no mountain is too big for Him to defeat.
From garment factory to church, the renovations were great,
But progress was made when action met faith.
Alfred, Reid, Ian Garcia, Adolph Andrews, just to name a few,
Began a good work and continued to see it through.
Though it took a few years, their labour made a reality,
All that we currently experience and see.
This two-story building where there was once a shed,
Is a testament of time, effort and talent well-spent.
Matt 6:33 their motto- God’s kingdom comes first,
No action, no prayer was forced or coerced.
So as you sit and enjoy this air-conditioned wonder,
I want you to take a moment to ponder,
Our present is built upon this history,
Of SACRIFICE AND COMMITMENT...this is our legacy.
Over 50 years of service has provided you this gift,
Think about how you can be added to this SERVANT list,
For YOU ARE HERE, in this church, as a member, for such a time as this.
Written By Maria Branford (July 2022)
Published in the September 2023 Newsletter, in celebration of the 57th Anniversary of St.
Augustine Evangelical Bible Church.
Tanda Update

www.ntm.org | 312 W. First St. Sanford, FL 32771 | (407) 323-3430
ron_yearwood@ntm.org | rhyearwood@gmail.com | (868) 794-3659 | Support
Greetings from West Africa
We returned to West Africa in early June and spent a couple weeks at the side of the Believers in Guinea while overseeing the empowerment project in Hamdallye geared towards persecuted believers.

We then made our way to Guinea Bissau. It was a gruelling 3 day trip at this time of the year which we made into one more night since we did not wish to arrive at night to a house that has not been lived in for a few years.
We spent a couple of weeks getting our house back to a liveable state and securing it from unwelcomed critters and termites that desired to reclaim their territory. We were warmly received by the village once again. Ron was happy to use his chemistry experimental skills to make paint from a termite mound. Our home has become liveable and beautiful once more.
Ron has been deep in translation of the book of Colossians and working on the back translations of Ephesians and Philippians. We look forward to a trip to Dakar Senegal at the end of September to do the consultant check of all three books.

Ron has set up a simple aquaponic system to help the village in an alternative supply of fish and is also growing food plants. He used bamboo as PVC. The villagers have been engaging and folks come by often. Ron is happy to engage them in conversations challenging their worldview and what they believe. Most conversations point to Christ.
Folks have been asking for the teaching to begin again. We have had a challenge with our generator for our night teaching. Looks like we will need to replace it. We are teaching through the book of Ephesians with a small group. Who are very engaged and pleased about the wonderful inheritance they have received in being united with Christ.
Our host in the village has presented us with a young man from the village of Capichank to be discipled by Ron. Please pray for him. His name is Isa and he is Yensa’s age mate.

Yensa and Cheriff are nearing the end of their studies in the electricity that they have been studying. They may need a little more time to complete before they receive their diploma. We look forward to seeing them in September.
Heather has her schedule full with the kids if the village. She has been reviewing creation and early teachings on the attributes of God.
The month of AUGUST is the hardest month of the year for rural communities in West Africa since they have planted all their grains and they await their harvest. We pray that they can come out of this vicious cycle. They trusted in the price of cashew seeds but the price was next to nothing this year. Moved by seeing our neighbours and believers in this predicament we have helped with bags of rice and we pray that God will multiply our efforts and replenish our resources. Many blessings were received on both sides of the border where we work in Ojague and Capichank.

We solicit your prayers for our upcoming trip to Dakar and then to the USA. The translated books of Philippians, Ephesians and Colossians will be checked by a consultant at the end of September. Immediately after, we fly to the USA to attend Field fair the first week in October, representing the field of West Africa at our mission training institute in Missouri. Hopefully, our paths will cross with some of you. Please pray for the preparation for this trip and the needed paperwork for re-entry back to West Africa to go smoothly and for God’s provision to be in place every step along the way.
Please pray for Sanasi and Philomen as they have been through a lot and feeling as though they are the only ones holding this way. They are still in need of building their own home. Pray for their encouragement. They have been enjoying the study of Ephesians, realising that in tough times they see and know their saviour.
Smooth check of Ephesians and Philippians.
Journeying mercies as we travel to Senegal and the USA and back to West Africa.
Encouragement for Sanasi and Philomen. Pray for a place in the village where they can build their home.
Pray for our children and their relationships. RoHn and Akeela are making plans for their future together, planning a wedding
Pray that this time of hunger will pass swiftly.
Please lift up our health so that we do what we do efficiently. We have not been without challenges. God has proven to be our healer.
From Ronnie & Heather Yearwood.

The Word and the World Seminar
In order to ensure generation z youth are protected and knowledgeable on gender ideology and biblical identity. On Saturday, August 19th, Keswick engaged youth via an all-day seminar on the topic. Four main sessions were held:
1. Postmodernism
2. The biblical roles of male and female
3. Listening to the Holy Spirit and
4. Atheistic arguments against Christianity.
Fifty participants (30 of them under 35 years) attended from 5 denominations.
Immediate feedback indicates that the conversations facilitated were detailed, memorable and topical. We continue to pray, educate and counsel in the Word as we live in this world.
Many Thanks to SAEBC and individual members who continue to support the ministry.
Keswick TT Committee
What's On
This Month
As announced at SAEBC’s October 2022 Business Meeting, the Pastors and Elders are preparing a Leadership Development Program that will begin in February 2023. The goal of the program is to identify and prepare members who are willing to fill leadership posts in the future within SAEBC: Ministry Leaders, Deacons, Deaconesses, Elders, Pastors or Beyond SAEBC: AEBC, Missions, Para-Church Organisations
In the past, SAEBC has found Pastors from within its Eldership and Elders from among its Deacons. The church membership has endorsed this approach to growth and development. This requires that members make themselves available for training and appointment or election to leadership positions.
We invite those who feel the call to Church leadership involvement to prayerfully consider the application below. Please complete and submit this application to the church office (in written form via Email or WhatsApp) and you will obtain an interview for inclusion in the program.
The head of the Church, Our Lord Jesus Christ, both calls and equips leaders for His body. Pray/work with us as we seek to find His provisions for SAEBC.
Please download and fill out the interest form below
Fun Corner

Emcee to Audience: Those Good News, Bad News jokes can be very funny, but I am not going to tell you one… that is the Good News.
Boy to Girlfriend: Wow, you look lovely today.
Girl: Thank you. Now I don’t know what to say.
Boy: Just lie to me. Like I just did to you.
Girl: OK. You look so much better when you are not wearing your glasses.
Boy: Well, you also look better when I don’t wear my glasses.
Wife to husband at cocktail party: That’s the fourth time you have gone back for ice-cream and cake. Aren’t you embarrassed to be constantly asking for more?
Husband to wife: Why should I? I keep telling them its for you!
Driving Instructor to trainee: If an old man, a child and a dog suddenly appear in the road in front of the car, what would you hit?
Trainee: If I could not avoid them all, I would hit the dog.
Instructor: No, you hit the BRAKE!
This Month's
Prayer & Praises
Let’s Pray Without Ceasing
For the teachers, students, staff and school workers returning to School on the 4th September
For God’s provision for those families, with children who are returning to or beginning school, and still feeling the financial back lash of the pandemic
For our first in-person convention and all of its proceedings
Let’s Give Thanks
God’s mercies and blessings in enabling us to celebrate another church anniversary
God’s protection and provision for the team that went on the recent SOMI missions trip to Guyana
Preaching Schedule
God's Love: Our Culture Our Language
SEPT 03 | Pastor Francis Warner TBD | Eph 5:1-14 • Waking in Love and Light Communion Service |
SEPT 10 | Garvin Heera | Church Anniversary Service |
SEPT 17 | Elder Lindon Mitchell | Eph 5:21-33 • Husbands Love your Wives |
SEPT 24 | TBD | AEBC Convention |
OCT 01 | Elder Lindon Mitchell TBD | Eph 6:21-24 • The Last Words on Love Communion Service |
9:00 AM | Sunday Service |
10:00 AM | Sunday Junior Church |
11:30 AM | Sunday School |
6:00 PM | Wednesday CBSI |
7:15 PM | Wednesday Prayer Meeting |