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April 2024 Tablet

Volume 20, Issue 04
St. Augustine Evangelical Bible Church, Cor. Agostini & Bellesmythe Sts. Curepe



Yahweh vs Pharaoh and the gods of Egypt

(The 9 plagues) Text: Exodus 7-11

INTRO: For all of his power and authority, when it came to dealing with Yahweh (God of Israel), we see Pharaoh displaying the same attitudes and understandings that we often display before God.  His confrontation with Yahweh also holds lessons for us.

PROP: God was revealing Himself to Pharaoh, Egypt and all men through the Plagues

In Ex. 7-11 God reveals Himself in contrast to the great power of Pharaoh and Egypt.

1. Our Personal Power/Control is meaningless – Yahweh is in Control (Ex. 7:1-7)

At this point in history, Egypt was the leading world power and the Pharaoh of Egypt was the most powerful ruler. The land was prosperous, at peace and both socially and technically advanced. Pharaoh had good reason to believe that no one could or should impose their will upon him.

So, we see him declaring to Moses, ‘Who is the Lord that I should obey his voice?’ (Ex. 5:2)

The plagues that followed were Yahweh’s answer to Pharaoh’s arrogant attitude… and ours.

‘the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord when I stretch out my hand against Egypt’ (Ex. 7:5)

[A] To know Yahweh is to acknowledge and submit to His power and sovereign control.

We struggle in vain when we seek to pit our limited power/control against Yahweh’s.

2. Our Collective Wisdom is Limited - Yahweh is unlimited (Ex. 7:8-8:19)

In their initial confrontations with Yahweh, Pharaoh/Egypt showed the limits of their wisdom.

Their rods became snakes but the snake from the staff of God swallowed the Egyptian snakes.

NB: Serpents were symbols of Egyptian authority e.g. the striking cobra in Pharaoh’s headdress  and the serpents depicted in Egyptian rituals (cf. Ezekiel 29:1-6 where Pharaoh is a sea monster).

The first three plagues (blood, frogs, gnats/lice) would have affected worship throughout Egypt by rendering the priests unclean and unable to serve in the temples. They also challenged the power of Hapi (god of the Nile) and Heqt (the frog god) who promised fulness of life and prosperity as well as fruitfulness. Egypt’s pride and comfort would have been sorely disrupted by the plagues. Egypt’s wisemen duplicated plagues 1 & 2 but not 3, advising Pharaoh it was the ‘Finger of God’.

[A] Times of disaster remind us of our limitations and the need to turn to and cry out to God.

3. Our ‘gods’ are Impotent – Yahweh is Omnipotent (Ex. 8:20-10:29)

Plagues 4 to 9 were of increasing severity and introduced a new element – they affected Egypt alone and not the land of Goshen where the people of God lived. They were God’s judgments on the numerous gods of Egypt (Ex. 12:12):  There was a scarab/beetle faced god of the flies (Kephri) plus gods with the heads of animals: Bull (Aphis, Mnevis); Cow (Hathor) and Ram (Khnum) etc. These gods were unable to prevent the plague on cattle and the hail that destroyed Egypt’s herds.

The boils, locusts and darkness broke the back of Pharaoh’s resistance causing him to admit his sins against God. Even Ra, the Sun God worshipped by all Egypt, was helpless in the darkness.

It is estimated that 9-10 months expired between the first plague and the death of the firstborn.  

The plagues involved events that occasionally occurred in Egypt but God’s power is seen in their timing (starting/ending at Moses’ word) and their severity (they were much worse than usual).

[A] If you are not trusting in the True, Creator God, Yahweh, your gods will certainly fail you!



“Happy Easter from The Hewitts”

March, 2024

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!

In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead." (1 Peter 1:3)

Dear Family & Friends

He is risen! He is risen indeed! …And we want to wish you a Holy and Blessed Easter, as we celebrate our Saviour Jesus Christ and all that Easter accomplished for you and for me!

 We are so thankful for your prayers for us, as we continue to pursue and fulfil our Kingdom assignment here in Stuttgart. The church plant continues to be a challenge, but has been going really well so far. We thank God for new visitors that have been coming each week, even though many may just be “passing through.”

Please pray:

  1. Especially for our Easter Celebration tomorrow. That many who were invited would come, and also be blessed and challenged by the wonderful message of the Resurrection of our Lord and by the hope that the Gospel alone can give!

  2. For our upcoming Couples Night in mid April. Recently, many marriages are under attack and we are trusting God that we can facilitate the building of strong Christ-centered marriages that glorify Him, and that couples would pursue lifelong love and commitment in His strength .

  3. For our Life Group and Ministry Leaders - that they will continue to grow in their leadership skills, as well as in the desire to train and disciple others and…

  4. For Nicola and I for vision and wisdom as we continue to lead the church plant. In addition, that God will also protect the hearts of Joshy & Katie, and also give us wisdom in knowing how to best to raise them, in a context where true Christianity is neither prevalent nor celebrated.


Once again we love you all so much and thank you for partnering with us in our Journey towards Jesus!

… And we hope that you have an enjoyable Easter Celebration, together with your family & loved ones.

 In His Love,

Chris & Nicola & Joshy & Katie.

Would you prayerfully consider joining our Support Team?     

Financial Gifts can be sent to:

Lewyn Christopher Hewitt

 RBC (Trinity) - Acc No: 100019150078172 or

Republic Bank (Trincity) 

Acc No: 8702966617



Share Jesus this Easter using the Jesus Film App!


There are two periods during the year when people are generally open to hearing and discussing Jesus - ‘Christmas’ and ‘Easter’. This week, in particular, Good Friday to Easter Sunday, is an opportune time to share with others about Jesus, and we are here to help you do so in an effective and biblical manner.

Have you heard of the Jesus Film Project App?  

The Jesus Film Project App (JFP App) is a full digital library of more than 200 full-length movies, mini-series, and short films produced to help the world know Jesus better. Everything on the app is free to watch, download, and share with anyone you meet, wherever you meet them.


Download now:

Android: Google Play

iPhone:  App Store


Above are some short-films within the JFP App that you can use to start conversations about Jesus, this Easter.  You can search for them under ‘Conversation Starters’ (Short Films) in the ‘Browse’ section. Of course, you are free to browse the JFP App and to use any video you come across.  We are recommending these films as they beautifully present the gospel. In the app, under each film, you will see a list of recommended questions you can ask people after they have watched the film.  


This Holy Week we encourage you to share Christ with a family member or friend who does not know Him. Ask the Lord to lead and guide you as to who to share with. Keep prayerful right throughout the process.  Feel free to share with us what happened as you reached out to others.

(If you have any questions about using the Jesus Film Project App, please feel free to contact us.)


Insightful Note



In our editorial, God was displeased with Pharaoh’s arrogance and ignorance… a bit like the girl who told her husband, “You have been ignoring me all night, and you know I can’t stand ignorance.” 

Be thankful for what you have and you will end up having more.

If you concentrate on what you do not have, you will never have enough. 

Celebrate your birthdays. They bring good health and make you stronger.

Studies show the more birthdays you celebrate are a sign you will live longer. Never criticize someone until you have walked a mile in their shoes.

That way, when you criticize them you will be a mile away, and you will have their shoes.

Success does not grow on trees but comes in ‘cans’ and not ‘can’ts’.


What's On

This Month



Fun Corner

Pooling Our Joke Resources

Two men are repairing the roof of Crowne Plaza. One of them looks down and sees the pool in the court yard. "Let's jump in, " he suggests." Nah! I don't want to!" blurts Rex, the other worker, clearly uncomfortable about the idea. Eventually, however, Tony persuades him and they both jump off. Halfway down Tony screams, " Oh no! The pool has no water! "Rex exclaims, "It's a good thing because I can't swim!" 

A visually impaired man is on a plane to Texas. They offer him a glass of juice. "This glass is so big," he remarks. *Every thing in Texas is big," the flight attendant tells him. At the airport he hires a taxi. "This car feels as big as a bus," he tells the driver. 

"Everything in Texas is big," the driver responds. When he arrives at the hotel, he tells the desk, "This feels like the largest lobby I have ever been in!" "Everything in Texas is big," she tells him. You should see the rooms!"

"May I use the bathroom?" he asks. "Sure, " she replies. "It's the second door on the left. "Instead of the second door he opens the first one which has the pool. Of course, he can't see it so he steps forward and stumbles into the pool. "Don't flush!" he screams. 

The Manager of the inmates at an institution tells them, "If you behave well for a month we will put in a swimming pool. "The inmates behave impeccably for the month so the Manager keeps his promise.

At the opening the inmates are in their glee: diving, jumping in, some doing, free style, back stroke, butterfly, breast stroke and dog paddle. Some are floating! The next day the Manager the inmates together. "I see everyone had a great time yesterday in the pool. If you behave well for another month, I will put in the water."


This Month's

Prayer & Praises

Let’s Pray Without Ceasing
  • Garrick Beckles The Yearwoods & the Tandas

  • As he continues doing God’s work both here at home and overseas

  • Pray for the process of him raising support to get back to the field, as well as acquiring his driver's license

Let’s Give Thanks
  • Garrick Beckles  The Yearwood's 

  • To God for keeping him safe while he was serving abroad

  • A safe trip back home to T&T and time spent reconnecting with family and friends.



Preaching Schedule

Mankind in Need of Service





Gifted to Service

APR 07

Pastor Kelvin Mapp

Communion Service - Gifted Ministries - 1 Peter 4:7-11 ; Romans 12:3-8

APR 14

Elder Joe Caterson Jr.

Service in our Spiritual Gifts - Part 1 -1 Corinthians 12

APR 21

Elder Joe Caterson Jr.


Lindsay Gibbings

Services in our Spiritual Gifts - Part 2 - 1 Corinthians 12


Speaker at RLMI at Campoo

APR 28

Guest Speaker

Gifted Church Offices - Ephesians 4:7-16

MAY 05

Elder Joe Caterson Jr.



Communion Service



9:00 AM

Sunday Service

10:00 AM

Sunday Junior Church

11:30 AM

Sunday School

6:00 PM

Wednesday CBSI

7:15 PM

Wednesday Prayer Meeting

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