Volume 20, Issue 05
St. Augustine Evangelical Bible Church, Cor. Agostini & Bellesmythe Sts. Curepe
Missions is All of Our Business

This May is Mission Month at SAEBC when we highlight some of the missionaries/missions organizations that we support. However, as individuals and as a Church, missions should always be on the front burner.
Our Commitment and Involvement in Local and Foreign Missions
All of us must get out of the rut of just talking about missions and witnessing, but doing nothing about it. The need of reaching the lost is too urgent for us to just talk about it.A talented young Christian artist painted a picture of a sad woman and child out in a storm. Moved deeply, he laid down his palette and brush, declaring, “I must go to the lost, instead of painting them.” He soon began working in the city slums and studying for the ministry. Alfred Robert Tucker (1849-1914) served as a missionary in Uganda and eastern Africa for 20 years.
Ronnie and Heather Yearwood, Debbie Dowlath, Garrick Beckles, Denise Thompson, Duane and Patricia Weeks, Ryan and Eden Krammes and Johnathon and Kimberly Garth are SAEBC members who are missionaries.
Who among us are expected to pray, encourage, and give to missions or to go ourselves:
Those of us who believe the world is lost and needs a Saviour.
Those of us who are thankful that missionaries came to our shores.
Those of us who believe that it is not ‘every man for himself’ in this world, and who do not ask like Cain: ‘Am I my brother’s keeper?’
Those of us who believe we are accountable to God for the money entrusted to us.
Those of us who believe that our prayers for missionaries and missions organisations do not fall on deaf ears.
We as SAEBC and as individuals are called to:
Either support those who are foreign or local missionaries and the missionary organisations that support them in taking the Gospel to different parts of the world;
Or obey the call of the Lord to go ourselves!
That outreach where I didn't lift a finger but
God ensured everything was taken care of.
It all started on March 19th when my friend Tricia, who I know from ITNAC, told me she wanted to do something evangelistic to celebrate her birthday this year. I suggested to her that she could come to Aripero, which is the village next to mine, and the one that I believe is responsible for the increase in crime in my neighbourhood. She was in agreement, and a date was set, but neither of us could have predicted that on the selected date, I would not have been feeling well, so would have to depend on God to bring in the manpower to do everything that needed to be done, and as expected, He did not disappoint!

I approached Candice, a believer who lives in the area, and whose children attend Bible Club. She has a modest home, but there was a front yard and the road in front of the yard that we could use. She was worried about the mud under her house, but I told her that was not an issue (it turned out to be an issue on the day of the outreach but we eh reach dere yet!) She suggested that we use the yard of one of the churches in the area (Aripero Open Bible and Aripero New Testament Church of God) but I told her I didn't want this outreach to be identified as a 'church thing' so we preferred to have it at her home. She finally agreed so we had a date and a venue, all we needed now were the attendees! Initially we had planned to target 100 children in the area, (as this was the capacity of the venue chosen) but one week before the outreach, we discovered that the majority of the young children attend Sunday School at one or both of the two churches in the area, but whenever these churches had evangelistic outreaches in the community, the teens would never come out. We told Candice this was the age group we wanted to target, as they were unchurched and therefore more vulnerable to being recruited by the gangs that are now operating in "The Ghetto" where most of them live. She asked if we were sure and we assured her that we were, so she walked around to each home to invite the teens to come out to the outreach.
On the Wednesday before the outreach we hit a snag. We only had $1000 in cash, but the caterer needed at least $2640 by Friday so she could buy the ingredients to make the meal we requested, as well as a birthday cake for Candice, who celebrated her birthday that week. We wanted to appreciate the hard work she did in preparing her home for us and also walking through the community to invite persons. I sent out a message to my network and within two days, not only did we have enough to cover the cost of the ingredients for the meal, but also the cost of tent, table and chair rentals, bibles for those who gave their lives to Christ, prizes for games, love gifts to persons who gave their services for free, as well as make a contribution towards the funeral expenses of a mother from the area who died suddenly last week leaving six children behind. Talk about a God who provides exceedingly and abundantly above all we could ask or think!!!! I messaged Tricia on the day of the outreach to tell her she had to do everything because I wasn't feeling well. Thankfully this was were the youths from Bible Club stepped in and helped out. One of them helped to pack all the drinks and ice in the coolers so they could be cold in time for the program. Others offloaded the bags of clothing from the trunk of my car to under the house, where others along with members of Candice's church were able to lay them out on the tables. Volunteers from the church also helped to lay out the chairs, and to pack them up after. All I had to do was to direct where everything went - I didn't have to lift a finger, and God provided the manpower to ensure that everything was done by the time the rest of the team arrived from Port-of-Spain.
There were other team members who had challenges on that day too. Tricia's mother was not feeling well and she contemplated not coming but she still came to the outreach. The driver of the maxi that brought the team from Port-of-Spain was asthmatic and was not feeling well so they prayed for him. When they were leaving, they saw a nearby pharmacy that was closed, but the workers were still inside. When they saw how the driver was looking, they opened the doors so he could get the medication he needed. Jehovah Jireh certainly was our Provider! Garryn was asked to present the gospel, and he was assisted by his wife Leannya (this was after they set up the tent and helped the sound man Steve set up his equipment). Garryn brought an extension cord that wasn't plugged in, and Leannya tried to charge her phone using it. He used this analogy to show the youths that they had a purpose, but like the unplugged extension cord, unless they were plugged into Jesus Christ as their source, they would be useless. After challenging them to resist following the ways of the world which would lead to death, he invited those who wanted to follow Jesus and be powered by Him to indicate, and 9 young people responded! We give God all the glory for these lives that will now be lived for the kingdom of God, and ask that you keep them in prayer that they would get the necessary support needed so they can live godly lives.
We found out afterwards that some of the youths who responded to the altar call have had behavioral issues, so we trust that Saturday's outreach would be the first step in their turning their lives around. The beautiful thing is that we had representatives from both churches there, so with the churches partnering with the community, transformation is possible, one life at a time. Prayer was said for these young people who responded, and each was given a Bible to help guide them on their spiritual walk. We then distributed the food and the clothing, and there was more than enough. We are tremendously grateful for all who gave of their time, energy, resources and prayers - this outreach would not have been possible without you!
What's On
This Month
Fun Corner

Faith is daring to put your dreams and cherished beliefs to the test.
It is better to try to do something and fail than to try to do nothing and succeed.
(Robert Schuller)
Some see the glass half-full while others tend to see it as half-empty.
I on the other hand just wonder, “Who has been drinking my juice.
”Here’s a scary thought; if olive oil comes from olives… where do we get baby oil?
Only in America: The reason the 10 commandments cannot be posted in a courthouse is this: You cannot post ‘Thou Shalt Not Steal’ and ‘Thou shalt not lie’ in a building full of lawyers and politicians. It creates a hostile work environment.
In any situation, the best thing you can do is the right thing; the next best thing you can do is the wrong thing; the worst thing you can do is nothing.
(Theodore Roosevelt)
This Month's
Prayer & Praises
Let’s Pray Without Ceasing
The Yearwood's
Pray for consistent support so that we can do the work God has sent us to do.
Pray for the resources to accomplish various projects . For example; The requested need for machines to produce palm oil that would generate income for the community that would help them pay their school teachers etc
Pray specifically that we can accomplish building a place where we can do things like kids club and have meeting and do literacy as well as host visitors. The bricks have been made.
Let’s Give Thanks
The Yearwood's
We PRAISE God that the believers have been standing strong in the face of discouragement.
Pray for Sanasi and Philomen (our coworkers in Capichank)as they are building their house at this time. They are looking to the Lord for being able to complete it before the rains arrive in June. We PRAISE God that all the bricks have been made. We desire to assist them with the roof.
We PRAISE God that. We were able to purchase reasonably priced tickets to get back to West Africa. We arrive there on the 9th May.
Preaching Schedule
Gifted to Service
Theme: | Gifted to Service | |
MAY 05 | Elder Joe Caterson | Communion Service |
MAY 12 | Mother's Day | Ladies Committee in Charge |
MAY 19 | Guest Speaker Pastor Kelvin Mapp | Speaker at RLMI at Campoo |
MAY 26 | OM | Guest Speaker |
JUN 02 | Pastor Francis Warner | Servicing in Prayer - The Deliverer Moses Communion Service |
9:00 AM | Sunday Service |
10:00 AM | Sunday Junior Church |
11:30 AM | Sunday School |
6:00 PM | Wednesday CBSI |
7:15 PM | Wednesday Prayer Meeting |