Volume 18, Issue 06
St. Augustine Evangelical Bible Church, Cor. Agostini & Bellesmythe Sts. Curepe
Saving Society
(Excerpt from his upcoming book, “Better Marriage: A Roadmap”. Book IV in The Understanding Marriage Series)
Traditional Christian wedding vows boldly proclaim that marriage is “ordained for the welfare of human society, which can be strong and happy only where the marriage bond is held in honour” (emphasis mine). Yet many people do not believe this, and many young adults, in particular, would dismiss these vows altogether. For them, common-law relationships are of equal importance and have an equal impact on society. Indeed, people can point to common-law relationships outlasting and outperforming many marriages.
One truth that is crystal clear is that common-law unions and marriages are two different kinds of relationships. In fact, the personal flexibility and freedom of common-law relationships is often prized and praised against the hard and fast “until death do us part” commitments of marriage. However, this relational elasticity in common-law relationships can leave the woman in the relationship over-exposed when, despite investing so much of herself and her resources, she cannot enjoy the privileges, protections, and safety of marriage. Though, in recent times, this has been mitigated to some degree by the laws of the land, the woman in a common-law relationship can still be seen as open, unattached and available for any persistent suitor who comes along. She also cannot say, “I am “Mrs. So and So,” to any aggressive pursuer of her partner, who can also be seen as open, unattached and available.
Although personal liberties have their due place of importance, some might say, epitomised by the reign of the Merry Monarch (King Charles II of England), we can only build a society on hard and fast commitments. These must include the hard and fast commitments to an honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay, to observing and obeying the law, to correctly and willingly paying for what one uses and consumes, to firmly respecting the rights and property of others, and to harvesting and deploying the society’s resources equitably, for the greatest common good.
These commitments must also embrace loving God, loving others and caring for the young, elderly and vulnerable among us (see 1 John 3:15-17). In short, we are speaking about a flowing stream of inflexible commitments toward responsible, other-conscious, purpose-driven living, of which the maturing marriage stands as a ready example, chief cornerstone and beaming lighthouse.
Yes, teenagers and young adults will always push for their personal preferences and independence. But we know, it is firm commitments to consistent, proactive and responsible parenting, by mothers as well as fathers, that raises and matures the adults of tomorrow. More than talk, it is about providing them with an interactive model of two individuals living out marital commitments daily, through the ups and downs, and failures and successes of life. This is a vital antidote to the overemphasised, commercially skewed and sexualized perspective of personal flexibility, freedoms and satisfaction being the exciting hub of all true living.
Strong, healthy marriages are also part of crime fighting and decreasing school violence. In particular, it is about fighting these societal challenges in the hidden caverns of intimate relationships, correcting root causes, changing mindsets and inculcating different attitudes. It is about birthing, painstaking change from the inside out. This must be a necessary complement to fighting with the more visible, multimillion-dollar crime plans and initiatives aimed at containing the unpalatable symptoms and deadly consequences of crime and violence on the outside.
I wish that all who are now in common-law relationships would make the hard and fast commitment of stepping into marriage. For many, that would be wishful thinking. Yet, I deeply wish this for the individuals involved, for the sake and future of our beloved country and especially, for the children.
From A Father's Perspective
(light humour)
When my wife tells me, “You will regret that in the morning.” I sleep until noon because I am a problem solver.
My wife and kids told me to take the spider out instead of killing it. So, I took their advice and took him around the corner for a coffee. Turns out that he is quite a nice guy and very intelligent. He is a web-designer.
When Dad says that he Will Fix It, he will fix it. There is no need to remind him every three months.
I was on my way to church when I took out my phone to make a call and it said ‘NO SERVICE’. So, I turned around and went back home

Let’s hear it for the fathers.
Finally, dear gentlemen your day is almost here
And yes, I agree it really isn’t fair
They go all out for the mothers, yes, they do so much
They advertise and do promotions – a mega giant fuss
But you and I we are on the same page
So I am bringing the spotlight and putting you on centre stage
So let me sing your praises and please don’t be shy
You are the main event today and let me tell you why
They say that the mothers are the primary caregivers
But you are the ones that do combat with the spiders
flying roaches and the lizards and the other childhood fears
Who catches the children who jump from the top of the stairs
So let’s hear it for you insect-fighting fathers
And yes, you don’t like changing diapers but c’mon don’t they see
You sacrifice your back for riding – yes, they ride the daddy-donkey
Don’t they see how you help the bond between mother and children
When you say “Go and ask your mother” you not doing it for you, you doing it for them
So let’s hear it for you insect-fighting, tactical fathers
And when they sit in the family parliament planning all they will do
Who has to get this outfit and this phone and who is travelling to see who
When they come with “daddy dearest” or daddy darling doo doo
Is because the dress buyer, trip funder and finance minister is you
So let’s hear it for you insect-fighting, tactical, like-an-ATM- machine- you never put money into fathers
For the fathers who are storytellers, your turn on the stage
Instead of Once upon a time you say “you know when I was your age”
Of your triumphs in sports and when your head wasn’t balding
And they laugh at your true stories and say daddy you must be joking
So let’s hear it for you insect-fighting, tactical, like-an-ATM- machine- you never put money into, formerly (and still probably) athletic storytelling fathers
You are the plumber, the electrician and you are the maintenance man
Some of you are master chefs and some of you just do what you can
You understand that there’s no need to waste time cooking and stirring the pot
So like a good manager you delegate to KFC and Pizza Hut
So let’s hear it for you insect-fighting, tactical, like-an-ATM- machine- you never put money into, formerly (and still probably) athletic storytelling, iron chef quality fathers
From teaching to ride a bike to learning to drive a car
The man for the job is exactly who you are
You are sure to remind your children
How easy things are for them these days
So let’s hear it for you insect-fighting, tactical, like-an-ATM- machine- you never put money into, formerly (and still probably) athletic storytelling, iron chef quality, real life how to do manual fathers
But most importantly you are the spiritual head of the home
You wake them up to pray when they want to be left alone
You invest your time and energy into being a good father
You learn humbly at the feet of your father, the Creator
So let’s hear it for you insect-fighting, tactical, like-an-ATM- machine- you never put money into, formerly (and still probably) athletic storytelling, iron chef quality, real life how to do manual, Men after God’s own heart fathers
So when they give you the usual socks, ties and shirt
Don’t think that its because they don’t recognise your worth
But to buy a gift for you, when you are yourself a gift from above
Is truly impossible so we just give you our daily love
So let’s hear it for you insect-fighting, tactical, like-an-ATM- machine- you never put money into, formerly (and still probably) athletic storytelling, iron chef quality, real life how to do manual, Men after God’s own heart, PRICELESS fathers
Let’s hear it for the fathers!
By: Sonnel A. David-Longe
Ethnos360 Caribbean

What is it about a Trinbagonian that helps us to fit in comfortably wherever we go? As someone has said in song: ‘We make good company!’ We like people and people feel at ease in our presence. Ethnos360 Caribbean was born out of a sense that God has specially equipped believers from our twin-island Republic with the characteristics that enable us to go anywhere in the world with the Gospel and to be able to relate to the locals. Ronnie and Heather Yearwood among the Tanda people of Guinea and Guinea Bissau and Leah Joslyn among the Wey people of Guinea are excellent examples of those from our shores who have been dynamically used by the Lord to reach the hitherto unreached.
Here is the Formula: A believer called by God + Being on fire for the Lord + Having a burden for the lost + Having sanctified Trinbago characteristics = Reaching out to others with the Gospel. Ethnos360 hopes that the Lord will use our organisation to encourage many from our country and the wider Caribbean to go to unreached regions in the world as missionaries taking the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to those who have never heard it. Isaiah 52:7 says: ‘How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!”’ Can we imagine the smile of approval on the face of God as He sees a number of our citizens crossing the mountains of distance and difficulties in order to bring His good news of salvation to remote parts of our planet so that His glory will be over all the earth? Ethnos360 Caribbean is looking forward to engaging church leaders, churches and individuals in order to sensitize them to the need for persons to be willing go out from our country into the unreached parts of the world with the Gospel. We are eager to work with those who answer the call to help prepare them for the mission-field and to partner with them as they go. We thank the Lord for all of you who have expressed an interest in working with us so that, by God’s grace, we will see the fruits of persons from Trinidad and Tobago and the wider Caribbean answering the call of the Lord in this area.
by Francis Warner, Ethnos360 Caribbean, Chairman
What's On
This Month
This Month's
Prayer & Praises
Let’s Pray Without Ceasing
Students doing Exams- CXC, CAPE, University
Ethnos360 Caribbean
Lance and Katie Knight for God's continued blessing and guidance as they continue His work in the mission field.
Our students who are back out to School
Let’s Give Thanks For
Our Fathers, the shoulders on which we all stand
Staying sane throughout the pandemic panic
For those of who contracted Covid and survived it; While we remember those who grieve for lost ones and those who are still struggling with covid.
Preaching Schedule
Matthew-Jesus Christ is the King and Messiah
Memory Verse:
"Where is the one who has been born King of the Jews? We saw His Star in the East and have come to worship Him" - Matthew 2:2
JUN 05 | Pastor Kelvin Mapp | Communion & Intercessory Pray Power Under Control |
JUN 12 | Martin Hughes | The Genealogy and Birth of the King |
JUN 19 | TBD | Father's Day |
JUN 26 | Elder Joe Caterson jr. | Introduction to NT Survey |
9:00 AM | Sunday Service |
11:30 AM | Sunday School |
6:00 PM | Wednesday CBSI |
7:15 PM | Wednesday Prayer Meeting |
6:30 PM | Friday SAYBOB Young People |