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June 2021 Tablet

Volume 17, Issue 7 St. Augustine Evangelical Bible Church, Cor. Agostini & Bellesmythe Sts. Curepe



Street Life In Trinidad and Tobago A Portrait of Who We Are


Trini Woman

“It is human connections and our investment in people that really count. My work represents my own quest to forge authentic and truly transformative relationships and collaborations. It is truly a mission to find the path to authentic Christianity in a culture that is becoming increasingly hostile to purely biblical perspectives. This is my invitation to you to join me in becoming genuinely unafraid and courageous to forge new and strategic connections in the marketplace, in the streets, in communities, in boardrooms, in homes, in schools, in churches and across cultural and geographical boundaries.” This is how Lindon Mitchel describes “The Street Life Series”, a phenomenal art project that he is currently undertaking.

About Lindon Mitchel, The Artist

Self Portrait

Lindon Mitchel is an accomplished Saint Lucian Artist, who currently resides in Trinidad with his wife, Annmarie and his two children, Anya and Josiah. His journey as an artist began at a very tender age. As a child, he enjoyed drawing, painting and writing. Later on, he pursued Art studies in secondary school and had the privilege of being taught by Luigi St. Omer, son of renowned Saint Lucian painter, muralist and educator, Dunstan Gerbert Raphael St Omer KCMG. He was also influenced by internationally renowned artistic figures such as Nobel Laureate Dereck Walcott and his own uncle, Vincent Joseph Eudovic. At just thirteen (13) years of age, he had the honour of being part of a team of apprentices who helped Luigi to paint the columns of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Castries, St. Lucia. This was done in preparation for a visit by Pope John Paul II.

Following this, Mitchel continued to grow in confidence and competence as an artist. Some of his notable accomplishments include: being commissioned by Courts Saint Lucia Limited to paint for Yasmine Lyndel Walcott, the island’s 1994 Miss World Contestant; designing the George Charles and Sir Ira Simmons Secondary School crests and being commissioned by the Saint Lucia Ministry of Education to paint for Her Royal Highness, Princess Alexandra.

Despite his growing success in the field, Mitchel decided to take a hiatus from painting between1996 and 2018. During this time, he became a missionary, an ordained Christian minister, an entrepreneur and an NGO executive. He also tapped into other aspects of art such as graphic arts and photography.

The Street Life Series

In 2018, Mitchel embarked on a new journey to capture and illustrate life on the streets of Trinidad and Tobago. He dubbed this dynamic art project, “The Street Life Series”. According to Mitchel, in this series, “we see vendors plying their mobile businesses, motorists weaving their way through busy pedestrians, the philosopher-preacher in the city square, the hustling courier and the shouting maxi-taxi tout. These images show our aspirations; our love for family; our persistence and ingenuity; our daily heroic struggles, our entrepreneurial spirit and innovation.”

His hope is that these images will elucidate our interdependence as a society and stir within us, an appreciation for the valuable contribution that each person makes. He also hopes that his artwork will prompt discussions about our aspirations as a society and encourage us to form transformative relationships and strategic connections to fulfill these aspirations.

His Technique

Mitchel is very intentional and strategic about every image that he creates. Firstly, he leaves the comfort of his home and goes out to the streets. There, he observes people as they go about their daily activities. He then interviews select subjects, once it is possible to do so. This gives him an understanding of their unique stories and helps him to produce an image that truly reflects who they are. He then photographs the subject, to be painted at a later point in time.

Back in his studio, Mitchel makes a final selection of the subject that he wishes to paint. He then does a rough sketch to ascertain basic dimensions and composition and then makes preparation to colour his canvas. There is a range of media and styles which he may choose from, but he has a special preference for watercolour paints. Finally, he uses a combination of Arches Watercolour paper and M. Graham paints, along with brushes (his favourite of which are Silver Black Velvet brushes) to complete the task.

Since watercolour paints are transparent, Mitchel has to go through a repeated process of layering and drying, before he achieves the final product. This process may take days to weeks, as several layers may be required to achieve a specific “contrast, depth and luminosity”. Notwithstanding this, Mitchel, a true creative, thoroughly enjoys this process.

Exhibition of The Street Life Series

The Street Life Series was exhibited at the Horizons Art Gallery in Mucurapo, St. James from April 13-24, 2021. Out of a total of twenty-one pieces, six pieces are still on display at the gallery. Mitchel is very grateful to God for the success of the project and he has plans to expand it to the wider Caribbean region.

School Bus

Mitchel’s work is deeply inspiring and transformational, and will no doubt, impact many lives in Trinidad and Tobago and beyond. His invitation to you is open. Join him in his bold quest; use the unique gifts and talents that God has blessed you with to establish strategic connections and impact your world for Christ!

Additional images are displayed on Lindon Mitchel’s Instagram page @lindonmitchel. For further information, he can also be contacted at 1 (868) 495 2761.

Author: Christal Benjamin



When a volcano erupts in the midst of a global pandemic


As a relief and development organization, ITNAC has been responding to local, regional and international disasters since Hurricane Ivan hit Grenada in 2004. In 2014, we travelled to St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) to bring relief following the Christmas Eve flooding, and it was there we met Pastor Kelron Harry and his wife Roie Ann Harry. They became regular ministry partners, and we were able to continue to work with them when there were subsequent flooding or other major needs.

Thankfully, the Caribbean region was spared any major disasters in 2020 when the Covid-19 pandemic hit the western hemisphere. However, in December 2020 Pastor Harry informed us that scientists in SVG were monitoring increasing seismic activity associated with the La Soufriere volcano. There was a dome building on one side of the volcano, emitting magna, rock and sulphur. Locals who experienced the eruptions in 1979 started to leave the orange and red zones, which were the areas closest to the volcano. The country's major concern was the contamination of their water supply in the event of an explosive eruption, as the ash would cover the entire island and settle in their rivers and springs. Read More.


What's On

This Month



During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Offering Collection


We will continue to facilitate deposits at the church office and online. Deposits can be made at the church office Monday–Friday from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. Those wishing to transfer funds online please note that we cannot verify the receipt of funds until our bank statement is received. Our account information is as follows:

NAME: ST AUGUSTINE EVANGELICAL BIBLE CHURCH (Use Capitals without punctuation marks and enter as many characters as the field allows)

NUMBER: 100081011847061 (15 digits are required by RBC. If your app does not accept 15 digits, omit some of the leading digits i.e. 1000)


Please notify us of the Date / Sum / Purpose or Distribution of your transfer and let us know of any needed adjustments to the above instructions.

Each local bank has its own online transfer app/system and we have been advised of problems affecting transfers from other (Non-RBC) banks.


This Month's

Prayer & Praises

Let's pray without ceasing for:
  • Healing for persons within our membership who have contracted the COVID-19 virus

  • God's comfort for those who have lost loved ones as a result of the COVID-19 virus

  • A reduction in the spread of COVID-19 in Trinidad and Tobago

  • Wisdom for the Government and health authorities as they lead the nation at this time

  • Protection for all frontline workers, especially those of our membership

  • The children who have been lost in the education system, due to a lack of internet access and other socio-economic issues

  • Our Upcoming Annual General Meeting

Let's give thanks for:
  • God's healing power displayed in the lives of Pastor Kelvin Mapp, Sister Monica Vendor and Sister Joycelyn Francois

  • God's continued provision for our membership in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic

  • The frontline workers who continue to serve the nation in the midst of this crisis

  • The gradual improvement in the COVID-19 situation in our country

  • The increase in cooperate prayer in our Nation

  • The spread of the gospel in the midst of the pandemic



Speaking & Worship Schedule






JUN 06

Deacon Lindsay Gibbings

​Communion Service

JUN 13

Elder Joe Caterson

The Exodus

JUN 20


Father's Day

JUN 27

Martin Hughes

The Law

JUL 04

Jewelle Mapp

The Promised Land



9:00 AM

Sunday Service

11:00 AM

Junior Sunday School

11:30 AM

Adult Sunday School

6:00 PM

Wednesday CBSI

6:30 PM

Friday SAYBOB Young People's

7:15 PM

Wednesday Prayer Meeting

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