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February 2023 Tablet

Volume 19, Issue 02
St. Augustine Evangelical Bible Church, Cor. Agostini & Bellesmythe Sts. Curepe



Unconditional Love


The author of the book Better Marriage A Road Map, by SAEBC Pastor Kelvin Mapp, in chapter eight (61-64) addresses the issue of unconditional love in the context of close relationships and marriages in particular.

"For many of us, unconditional love is at best, an ideal we admire, and at worst, a dangerous movie myth we avoid altogether. Yet, without unconditional love, God’s sincere relationship with us would not be possible and our marriages would not grow and mature. The fundamental reality that makes unconditional loving such a necessity and priority is our humanness.

We humans, with the best intentions, are capable of the worst mistakes. These include wrong, hurtful words such as “You never…!” in the heat of an argument; fearful indecision that results in financial loss for ourselves and our families; and promises to start over or change, which remain for years, just promises. Only the unconditional love of a spouse, our children, family, friends, and those around us, make ongoing relationships possible. This does not mean that performance and consistency do not matter in relationships, especially in our marriages. Indeed, consistent, faithful, and responsible performance determines the quality of our relationships: how well we can move, live, work, and achieve together. However, performance does not provide the reason for our relationships and marriages. Unconditional love does that. It says, “I love you whether or not you please me.”


So let us seek to develop an attitude of forgiveness, of forgiving ourselves and our spouses, as we discuss our issues, identify their root causes, apply agreed solutions, and make changes. The Christian scripture seeks to encourage us in 1 Peter 4:8, “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins [errors, faults, shortcomings].” Let us seek to truly understand before we firmly disagree, and not adopt the popular, but lazy relationship model of disagreeing before we truly understand, as we rush to quarrel our way through to a particular course of action.


Finally, unconditional love keeps a marriage [and our close relationships] grounded through the ups and downs of daily living, through the better and worse, the richer and poorer seasons of life. It also keeps a marriage focused, helping it to avoid the distractions that come from internal and external sources. Furthermore, unconditional loving draws each spouse closer to the other and closer to God, who Himself loves us unconditionally. It is the oxygen enriching the vital relationship arteries of our marriages [ and close associates]. Without it, we run the risk of our […relations] dying a slow death or becoming relationally unconscious and insensitive as we live with each other.

Let us, therefore, seek to love each other unconditionally."

*Used with permission



My Wayumi Experience

Adapted from 'A Drop in de Ocean' by Debbie Dowlath

In August 2022 I was invited by Ethnos360 Caribbean to participate in the Wayumi retreat. It promised to give participants an experience in cross-cultural missions, in the middle of Pennsylvania. “Wayumi” is a word in the language of the Yanomamo people (a tribe in Venezuela) which means leaving home for a period of time, for a specific purpose. The objective is that, at the end of the Wayumi experience, participants would come away with an appreciation of what is involved in serving as a missionary in a different culture, and be challenged to consider whether this is part of God’s plan for their lives. I was attending as part of a contingent from Trinidad and Tobago since it is the desire of Ethnos 360 Caribbean to set up a similar program locally, which will be targeted towards participants from the Caribbean.

On the first night, we were given an overview of Ethnos 360 – a missions organization that exists to reach people groups who have never before heard about Jesus. The session then focused on what God was doing in the world. We recognized that since the beginning of history, God’s plan was to fill the earth with people from every nation, tribe and language who love Him. Since then, God has been reaching out to all ethnic people to make them a part of what He is doing, by the power of the Holy Spirit.

The following morning, we examined barriers to reaching unreached people groups, and what were the necessary steps for a missionary who was taking the gospel to people from another culture. ‘Culture’ describes why a people group thinks, does and feels the way they do. It is therefore crucial for a missionary to understand the culture of the people group they will be ministering to, which includes their language, belief, views of life, work, economy, food, manners, and even sleep! Understanding the culture of the people group would help them to understand how to accurately communicate spiritual truths.

I am excited to be part of the Ethnos360 Caribbean team, that is, along with Wayumi USA organising our own Wayumi Experience in Trinidad at Victory Heights in April 2023. Stand by for more details!

What's On

This Month



As announced at SAEBC’s October 2022 Business Meeting, the Pastors and Elders are preparing a Leadership Development Program that will begin in February 2023. The goal of the program is to identify and prepare members who are willing to fill leadership posts in the future within SAEBC: Ministry Leaders, Deacons, Deaconesses, Elders, Pastors or Beyond SAEBC: AEBC, Missions, Para-Church Organisations

In the past, SAEBC has found Pastors from within its Eldership and Elders from among its Deacons. The church membership has endorsed this approach to growth and development. This requires that members make themselves available for training and appointment or election to leadership positions.

We invite those who feel the call to Church leadership involvement to prayerfully consider the application below. Please complete and submit this application to the church office (in written form via Email or WhatsApp) by January 8th 2023 and you will obtain an interview for inclusion in the program.

The head of the Church, Our Lord Jesus Christ, both calls and equips leaders for His body. Pray/work with us as we seek to find His provisions for SAEBC.

Please download and fill out the interest form below


Join author Kelvin Mapp as he takes you on a journey to discover principles and everyday practices for an exciting and fulfilling marriage. Whether you are married, dating, unattached, engaged or divorced, this book is for you.

Kelvin invites you to explore a biblical model of marriage and provides a roadmap to guide you on your way. He offers a unique point of view on several issues, including love and submission, husbands serving as foundations, and wives as skyscrapers. With questions to help you reflect on your discoveries, you will be able to chart a course of adventure and hope.


Fun Corner

A Word To The Wise Should Be Sufficient...



John to his friend Alfred:

I went to renew my ID Card recently, and I have to warn you about the strange new requirements.

To my surprise, they asked me for ‘proof of a dress’. This seems to be part of a new trend by banks etc.

I plan to borrow one from my wife for when I go back…but they not getting me to wear it.

Always let your wife have the last word when you are arguing with her. Anything you say after that is a new argument.

Robert was asked to tell his favourite Bible story and he did so. See if it sounds familiar to you.

“A Hebrew was on his way to Jericho when he fell by the wayside. Thorns sprang up and choked him until a Good Samaritan came along with a cruise of oil and poured it on him until it was empty. Then he took him back home to his father who said, “This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.” Then the father killed a fatted calf and invited all of his neighbours to come and celebrate with him.

But they would not come because one was building a house on a rock and another on the sand, one had bought a cow and yet another had just married a wife. So the father became angry and said, “What have I to do with thee!” and he picked up stones to stone them but since he was without sin he changed his mind. Instead, he told his servant, “Saddle me the donkey.” And they saddled him.

Blessed is he who has learned to laugh at himself, for he shall never cease to be entertained.


This Month's

Prayer & Praises

Let’s Pray Without Ceasing
  • The ongoing Marriage Seminar

    • For Pastor and Mrs Mapp as they work with dedication, purpose and perspective in teaching God’s frameworks for marriage.

    • For the participants to leave each session with clarity of mind

  • The Leadership of the Church

    • For persons to answer the call to “step up”

    • For the Leadership Development Program to start off on a strong foot with called, eager and willing participants

  • For the SAEBC Sunday School to be sufficiently staffed

  • For SAYBOB

  • Our Church Missionaries

  • Our Nation of Trinidad and Tobago

Let’s Give Thanks
  • Sister Marcelle Mapp for her many years of service on the Sunday School Board. We all thank her for the legacy she left and is still leaving for us to follow, my God continue to keep and guide her as she continues onwards.

  • The reopening of Junior Church

  • For God’s Grace and mercy in bringing us into another year. As we proceed into another month, let us go with God, for and from God, grounded and growing in love.



Preaching Schedule

Knowing and Loving God

Memory Verse:

"Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." - 1 John 4:8




FEB 05

Pastor Francis Warner

This is Love (1 John 4:10) | Communion Service

FEB 12

Elder Joe Caterson

Barriers to Love (1 John 4:13-21)

FEB 19

Elder Lindon Mitchel

Love Not the World (1 John 2:15-17)

FEB 26

Pastor Kelvin Mapp

Love in Community (1 John 3)

MAR 05

Elder Joe Caterson

TBD | Communion Service



9:00 AM

Sunday Service

10:00 AM

Sunday Junior Church

11:30 AM

Sunday School

6:00 PM

Wednesday CBSI

7:15 PM

Wednesday Prayer Meeting

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