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August 2022 Tablet

Volume 18, Issue 08
St. Augustine Evangelical Bible Church, Cor. Agostini & Bellesmythe Sts. Curepe


In Preparation of VBS


As we prepare for VBS, as we welcome new believers and little ones, we see the young ones grow. Let’s take a trip down member lane as “Surely there is a lesson here, something we need to know” for us to grow.



The Hewitt's Prayer Letter

June 2022
“…See I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen & precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in Him, will never be put to shame..."- 1 Peter 2:6

Dear Family & Friends,

So much has happened since our last Prayer Update and we have so much for which we are thankful! Thank you for your faithful prayers! :)

As some of you know, we were praying about a name for the new Church Plant and the Lord directed us to use the name: Cornerstone.

So please take a few minutes to visit and like :) our Facebook page when you get a chance. Thanks so much!

We have been very busy reaching out to new folks in various ways: inviting them to weekly Life Groups (small group Bible Studies), doing Outreach Tea Times, Training & Equipping folks for Kid’s Ministry, Evangelism, Welcome Teams and also as Life Group Leaders, and we are really praying and looking forward to when we can begin our first regular Sunday Services.

Home In August & Missions Night Invitation...

We are also truly grateful to the Lord, that after more than three years, we will be able to come home for about 3 weeks this Summer. We are excited to see all of you and looking forward to a nice time together and some good food! :) However, as the time is so short, we will not be able to visit all of you and your churches individually. We, therefore, decided to do “Missions Night” (where we will give a personal update on the last four (4 years) and we would love to see as many of you as possible and your churches.

So please save the date and we really hope that you can come.

Event: Missions Night

Date & Time: Saturday 6th August, 2022 @ 5:00-7:00pm

Venue: Trincity Evangelical Bible Church, Cravat Street, Trincity

Prayer Requests & Praises

Please pray for:

  1. A room that we can rent for our Sunday Services for the new Church Plant (we would love to start after the Summer Holidays).

  2. God to raise up a Worship Leader and also instrumentalists and vocalistsfor our Worship Team (which is a major need at present).

  3. Many Germans and Internationals in Stuttgart to come to know Jesus as Lord and Saviour (as there are more than 60,000 English-speaking folks who live here.)

We Praise God for:

  1. All of your one-time gifts towards our initial set-up funds and are grateful for those who continue to support us monthly, as missionaries in this new and challenging Kingdom Assignment.

  2. All of the folks who have joined us on this new journey, as we seek to share the Gospel and the Love of Jesus with those in Stuttgart!

Thank you so much again for all of your love and prayers and support and we look forward to seeing many of you soon, journeyLord willing, at the Missions Night, if not before. :)

In His Love, Chris & Nicola & Joshy & Katie


What's On

This Month



Fun Corner

Smile A While

Here are some humorous but thought-provoking church signs.


This Month's

Prayer & Praises

Let’s Pray Without Ceasing
  • SAEBC VBS 2022 which begins August 1st and ends August 5th with our very first hybrid (online and in-person); with the closing ceremony on Sunday 7th at 6:00 p.m. Ø the message to be clearly delivered to each child Ø opportunities to continue teaching the Gospel to first-time students Ø all attendees (teachers and students) to be in good health from start to finish Ø no technical difficulties

  • Our Missionaries: Deborah Dowlath, Garrick Beckles, Ronald and Heather Yearwood, Chris and Nicola Hewitt...etc.

  • Persons who serve in the various committees: Pastors, Elders, Ministry Leaders

Let’s Give Thanks
  • God’s protecting arm, as we had another encounter with a natural disaster (an earthquake) as we were hit but not severely.

  • The Sunday School team who works tirelessly year after year.

  • For the young persons who volunteered their vacation time to assist in VBS 2022.

  • All the other volunteers, first time and returning



Preaching Schedule

Mark-Jesus is the Powerful Servant of God

Memory Verse:

"As Jesus was coming up out of the water, he saw heaven being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my beloved Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased." - Mark 1:10,11 (Jesus' Baptism)




AUG 07

Pastor Francis Warner

The Resurrection of the King –Matthew 28:1-20 | Communion Service

AUG 14

Sonnel Patrick

The Call of the Servant of God –Mark 1:1-8:26

AUG 21

Sean Lorde

The Works of the Servant of God –Mark 1:1-8:26

AUG 28

Lindsay Gibbings

The Sufferings of the Servant of God –Mark 8:27-16:20


Pastor Kelvin Mapp

The Announcement of Jesus Christ: the Son of Man – Saviour of the World–Luke 1:1- 4:13 | Communion Service



9:00 AM

Sunday Service

11:30 AM

Sunday School

6:00 PM

Wednesday CBSI

7:15 PM

Wednesday Prayer Meeting

6:30 PM

Friday SAYBOB Young People

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