Volume 18, Issue 04 St. Augustine Evangelical Bible Church, Cor. Agostini & Bellesmythe Sts. Curepe
Reflections on the Resurrection
"Sir, we remember how that impostor said, while he was still alive, 'After three days I will rise.' Therefore, order the tomb to be made secure until the third day, lest his disciples go and steal him away and tell the people, 'He has risen from the dead,' and the last fraud will be worse than the first." Pilate said to them, "You have a guard of soldiers. Go, make it as secure as you can."—Mat 27:63-65 ESV

We can expect to experience a healthy dose of doubt when we are confronted with incredible ideas. This happens as we evaluate what is set before us. It is for our protection. However, the Pharisees remained stuck in doubt. How can we move from doubt to faith, love and action when we come face to face with God’s word and His work? Let us for a moment try to understand the mindset of the Pharisees and ask ourselves a few important questions. I think we might learn something about ourselves.
1. Do I accept Jesus’ message or am I just outwardly conforming?
The message of salvation through Jesus Christ is disruptive because it challenges its hearers to change from a morality of blind, outward conformity to the freedom of a life of love for God and others. In Matthew 27:64, we see the Pharisees attempting to prove that Jesus was a deceiver. Even after they crucified Him, they wanted to discredit His message and dismantle His movement, because Jesus’ words exposed the rottenness of their religious establishment. We may not have participated in Jesus’ crucifixion, but our piety is often betrayed by our cruelty to others. Let us pause and ask ourselves,
In what ways do I find it difficult to express love for God and others?
How is my self-will and lack of love demonstrated to others?
2. Am I genuinely seeking God’s will or secretly pursuing my agenda?
Some may have remained unconvinced about God’s love even after witnessing Jesus’ miracles and teachings. Jesus’ death was absolute proof of God’s love for us and His resurrection revealed He was the Son of God and the Messiah (1Corinthians 15:17). But their own duplicity blinded the Pharisees.
They thought they had discredited Jesus by crucifying and burying Him. We soon realise, that the empty tomb, the report of the soldiers and other witnesses were not enough to change their hearts or their minds. They were still not willing to accept the truth. Reflect:
What has God done recently to show me His love?
What secret sin do I harbour that prevents me from fully accepting God’s love?
3. Am I willing to trust and obey God or will I deny Him and His word?
The chief priests conspired to hide the fact of the resurrection through bribery and lies (Matthew 28:13). Even today, we wrestle against lies, contrary ideologies, and diluted beliefs. These threaten the spread of the good news of Jesus’ sacrifice for sin, His death, His resurrection, His ascension into heaven and His soon return for His glorious Church. Jesus did what He said He would do. This meant that everything He taught and promised was true. It is through His resurrection that we can experience the eternal life He promised.
After His resurrection, Jesus came to His disciples and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Mat 28:18-20 ESV) Reflect:
Will I respond to the good news of the Messiah by concealing it or by telling someone else?
What barriers must I overcome to share the love of Jesus Christ with others?
What do I need to do to overcome these barriers?
God by His Spirit can help us move from doubt to genuine faith, from self-will to love, and from reluctance to joyful obedience. “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ”. (Philippians 1:6 ESV)
Editorial by Elder Lindon Mitchel
Focus on Our Church Ministries
SAEBC Audio/Visual (AV) & Digital Transformation Teams

The Covid-19 pandemic brought on a lot of closures and saw the slowing down of a lot of activities across the globe. However, that was not the case for the church’s AV team. Led by Deacon Keon Reid, the AV team threw operations into sixth gear to ensure a smooth transition from in-person to virtual Sunday morning services, Sunday school classes, Wednesday evening Prayer Meetings and Friday evening Youth Meetings.
In addition to the virtual meetings, the Church Board saw it necessary to put together a Digital Transformation Team, a central group of persons tasked with bridging any technological gaps. The Team, through its Digital Content Coordinator - Malaika Safiya Dedier, has taken charge of the church’s social media accounts, uploading relevant and stimulating content to connect with people online. The Team works with other ministries in the church, providing technical training and support when and where it is called upon.
Recently, the AV and Digital Transformation Teams have gone into another transitional period in preparation for a time without Keon Reid who has, over the past 15+ years and especially over the last 2 years, put in yeoman service regarding all things digital. Keon has almost single-handedly performed the job of 10 people, without complaint and with a high standard of excellence. In preparation for his absence, a team of persons has been banded together to continue Keon’s good work in the AV ministry. The Digital Transformation Team hosted a two-day workshop regarding the operations of the AV team. The training covered:
Audio Engineering – Keon Reid
Multimedia Projection – Pernel Roberts Jr
Live Streaming Production – Keon Reid and Antonio Roberts
We thank God for his continued guidance and provision during these times. We also thank God for the service of Deacon Keon Reid in all things digital over many years. As we step into this new season, we hope to develop a sustainable AV team, tasked with leveraging digital technology to support the church’s mission of equipping believers with biblical truth for godly living. We pray that God continues to guide and provide persons who have a heart to serve during these challenging times.
Fun Corner
SMILE A WHILE and Be careful what you say!!!
There are two kinds of people that don’t say much - those who are quiet and those who talk too much.
A man goes to a job interview and participates in the following discussion: The Boss asks, “What do you think is your worst quality?”. The man replies. “I’m a little too honest, actually.” The Boss says, “I think that’s a good quality.” The man responds. “It doesn’t matter to me what you think!”
The human brain is a beautiful thing. It starts working the second you're born and never stops until the moment you stand up to speak in public.
An Interview with Garrick Beckles
Q. How has it been, serving as a foreign missionary while still in your country of residence?

A. Serving remotely from Trinidad has had its ups and downs. There certainly are things that I simply cannot do, such as go on house visits with the team in Albania, or fellowship with them outside of regularly scheduled meetings. Especially for one of my main fields, the Roma Gyspy ministry, we have faced some challenges because of team members not being physically there. At present, we only have one team member in Vlorë where we are doing pioneering work, and she, being a sole female in a patriarchal culture, finds it difficult to progress. We yearn to be there serving with her, but in the mean time we have been providing support through prayer and advice, and we are seeing the seeds that God has planted begin to sprout and grow. As for my IT role, which is my primary focus for now, I’m truly grateful for being able to serve remotely in the interim, while finalizing preparations to enter the field. I have been spending some time learning how the IT infrastructure of OM works, and the IT community there has been very welcoming and helpful with my settling into the role. As there was no IT person physically in Albania to do a proper hand over, there have been a few challenges in figuring things out but by God’s grace I am getting the hang of things. Dealing with the six-hour time difference hasn’t proven to be too difficult thus far, and I’m excited to see how the next few months develop as God helps me to be there in Albania serving.
What's On
This Month

Pre-registration is no longer required to attend the Sunday morning service. Since data is on file for members and regular visitors, their attendance need only be noted.
New visitors, however, will be required to provide names, addresses, and phone numbers.
Covid-19 protocols will still be applied i.e. temperature testing, hand sanitizing, social distancing, mask-wearing, and no mingling.
The service will remain 1.5 hours long to allow participants to return to their homes for online Sunday School classes.

During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Offering Collection
We will continue to facilitate deposits at the church office and online. Deposits can be made at the church office Monday–Friday from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. Those wishing to transfer funds online please note that we cannot verify the receipt of funds until our bank statement is received. Our account information is as follows:
NAME: ST AUGUSTINE EVANGELICAL BIBLE CHURCH (Use Capitals without punctuation marks and enter as many characters as the field allows)
NUMBER: 100081011847061 (15 digits are required by RBC. If your app does not accept 15 digits, omit some of the leading digits i.e. 1000)
Please notify us of the Date / Sum / Purpose or Distribution of your transfer and let us know of any needed adjustments to the above instructions.
Each local bank has its own online transfer app/system and we have been advised of problems affecting transfers from other (Non-RBC) banks.
This Month's
Prayer & Praises
Let's pray without ceasing for:
Student preparations and success in their May-June exams
An end to the war in Ukraine and humanitarian assistance for those suffering
Our Pastor Search Process and the efforts to ensure short/medium-term leadership
Effort to raise-up new medium/long-term leaders from within the fellowship
Let's give thanks for:
Reductions in Covid-19 deaths and infections and the roll-back of restrictions
The opening up of countries/travel so that missionaries are able to function with greater freedom
Ronald and Heather Yearwood getting the vehicle that will handle the rough terrain that they have to travel in West Africa and receiving of their visas so they can leave for Guinea on April 3
The growth in online services/ministry that is here to stay
The hope that Easter represents – eternal life through Jesus Christ
Speaking Schedule
“And now, because of Jesus Christ, we can praise the only wise God forever! Amen.”—Romans 16:27
APR 03 | Pastor Francis Warner | Communion Service-A Romans Review |
APR 10 | Pastor Kelvin Mapp | A Call to Commitment to Christ |
APR 17 | Pastor Francis Warner | Our Crucified Risen and Exalted Lord |
APR 24 | Elder Lindon Mitchel | A Call to Commitment to the Local Church |
MAY 01 | Elder Joe Caterson | TBD |
9:00 AM | Sunday Service |
11:30 AM | Sunday School |
6:00 PM | Wednesday CBSI |
7:15 PM | Wednesday Prayer Meeting |
6:30 PM | Friday SAYBOB Young People's |
With the exception of the Sunday Morning service, all services and group activities will be held online until further notice.