Volume 20, Issue 01
St. Augustine Evangelical Bible Church, Cor. Agostini & Bellesmythe Sts. Curepe
A Letter from the Lord for the New Year
What would you find most useful as you face a new year ahead? Perhaps a word of guidance and encouragement from the Lord would be helpful. So, here is a letter to you for Jesus to provide just that. It was composed by a believer to answer the question, “What do you think Jesus would tell you if you could be speaking to Him right now?” Read what this disciple heard the Lord say and consider what He might be saying to you.
To My Beloved Disciple…

Do not procrastinate, arise and shine,
Do those good works that I bring to mind,
Share and spread my Gospel of love,
The Good News of Salvation and New Life from above.
Support and give words of comfort to others.
Share of your substance with sisters and brothers.
Shine your light before men so that they may see
Your good works and come to glorify Me.
Do no sinful action, speak no angry word
For you belong to me as a Child of the Lord.
I am kind and gentle, I am pure and true
And my children are called to be holy too.
Remember to take every trial in stride
Knowing I am always there at your side.
My Word and My Spirit, Persistence in Prayer
Are there to sustain you throughout this New Year.
God's goodness to me in 2023
If I had to choose a verse to encapsulate what 2023 represented for me, it would be Psalm 71:20.
"Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth; you will again bring me up."
After three long years, we were finally able to reclaim the freedoms that we enjoyed before the pandemic. I could go to the beach whenever and for as long as I felt like, I could hug my friends without restrictions, and we could resume activities like camp fully in person. I truly felt like my life was restored again, especially in the area of community and friendships, and also a deepening in my relationship with God.

One of the major highlights of 2023 was that my sisters were finally able to come home, along with their husbands and children, for the first time since Daddy died. The last time we were together was in June 2019. This year Mummy turned 70, and her birthday wish was to be together with all her children and grandchildren in the same place. As a bonus, her sister came too! We rented a beautiful villa in Tobago with a massive pool. It was also the first time that all the grandchildren were able to meet one another in person, so it was truly a precious time of making memories together.
We planned out our itinerary a month in advance: which day we would be hitting the beach, visiting a fort, feeding hummingbirds, or swimming in a waterfall. On the day we left, a cousin who I don't regularly communicate with messaged me to say that I was on her mind, and that she prayed for God to "send His angels of protection to surround you and everything and everyone that concerns you" and that she prayed Psalm 91 over my life. I told her that the entire family was heading to Tobago, and asked for prayers for protection over our house against bush fires, because we had been experiencing a very dry dry season. The very next evening, upon returning home from a wonderful morning on the beach, we received a call from our neighbour that the empty lot next to our house was on fire, and that our driveway was full of smoke, as the fire started spreading to our yard. They called the fire services and thankfully they responded in time to get it under control. We thank God that His angels of protection were truly surrounding everything that concerned us, as my cousin prayed the day before.
My family is truly a gift from God that I am grateful for every day. God has used them to provide for my needs so I can focus on the ministry He has called me to. I don't have to worry about what I will eat or where I will sleep on any given day because of their provision. The children God has blessed my siblings with bring me great joy, and I thank God for the unbridled love I receive from each one of them.

I had my share of car drama this year. I was hosting some missionaries from the States in April at our home in south. We had just finished visiting the Wild Fowl Trust and San Fernando Hill, and while on Mosquito Creek I realized that my engine was overheating. Thankfully I was able to get to the section where the lanes were dual and pull aside. All the radiator coolant was leaking out on the road. A couple minutes after we stopped a car pulled in front to help. The driver was a mechanic, and he was able to diagnose that the radiator was cracked and needed to be replaced. Thankfully we were only five minutes away from home so we were able to fill it up and get home safely, and there is a radiator business 2 minutes away from where we live. Another time, I got a flat tire, and there were 4 able-bodied men on site to repair it. The favor and provision of God!
This year did not come without the challenges of illness. I had the cold a couple times, but it was a bout of gastro that had me floored in June this year. It was the week leading up to the ISCF campworkers retreat and I know I had been going non-stop since January so when I started feeling the symptoms at the beginning of the week I thought I was just tired. I had a hike to Maracas Waterfall planned on the Thursday that I really wanted to go to, and God gave me the strength to make it. He also provided persons to support over the weekend so I didn't have to do all the running around I usually would. At one point I was literally lying down on the floor, but the program went on and by the end of the retreat all my symptoms were gone, thank God for His miracle-working power!
Another major blessing for me this year was in the area of community. As a single woman in ministry, it is so vital to have relationships that can encourage and pour into me. There are those who have been a part of my life since I was a child; others who are a part of my church family; still others who I have met in my various ministry assignments along the way. It is comforting to know that I have safe places to offload and get advice (and sometimes a good buff) and refreshing and support from.
I can testify that this year I have grown in intimacy with my Heavenly Father. I have been reminded that He values relationship with me more than what I can do for Him; that rest is a vital part of my service to God because I cannot pour out of a vessel that is empty; that prayer is not just about me talking to God but also being able to hear from Him; that just because I have a bad day that doesn't mean I have failed and every day is a new opportunity to start again.

My birthmonth this year was nothing short of epic: a beautiful blend of ministry and enjoying nature with valued friends. It started off partnering with Christafari at an evangelistic event that our church had in Eddie Hart grounds. While they were on stage, members of our church mingled with the persons who stopped to listen and had conversations with them about God. Before the concert started, however, I was invited to be a part of a music video they were filming - for those who missed it you can check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqhzU1hzbjU
On the Sunday before my birthday, my sister organized a Zoom party for me with all my nephews and my niece and it was hilarious and sweet at the same time. On my actual birthday, which was in the middle of the week, I took a couple friends to explore a new beach with me on the north coast. Around this time there was a lot of rain so I wasn't sure that we would be able to go, but God who knows the desires of my heart paused the rain on that day so we were able to enjoy a lovely sea bath before the rains came pouring down.
The next day I served with ITNAC visiting homes in Debe that had been severely affected by flooding when a river in the area burst its banks after a couple days of consistent rain. It was a blessing for me to be a blessing to these families as we took food hampers and cleaning supplies and a message of the hope of Christ. They were so grateful to have someone who they could share their stories with, and were thankful for the help they received.
The following week, I invited some girls from Point Fortin to our home for an empowering session on vision. Nikita shared with them the importance of setting goals and having a vision for what they wanted their life to look like, and then we gave them materials to create their own vision boards. It was encouraging to see what their came up with; some of them wrote down areas in their life that they wanted God to change, others outlined their goals and dreams. In conversation with some of them afterwards, they shared how they put their vision boards on their bedroom walls at home to remind them of what they had to work towards.
Later that week a couple friends and I rented a yacht and went down the islands for the day. We experienced some heavy rain showers earlier that week, and I was concerned about if we would still be able to make it, but the boatman assured me that "everything nice and we ready to jump out" so we did! The weather was glorious, the company was hilarious and the lime was fantabulous. We praised and worshipped on the way to the beach, had a lovely time in the water, and soaked in a beautiful sunset on the way back. I truly felt the favor and love of God all over me on that day.
Since June only had 30 days, my celebrations extended into the first few days of July 😁 My good friends and prayer partners from my high school days took me to brunch and we had a lovely time. I also had the pleasure of hosting my sister from another mother for a few days when she visited from Miami. She always takes such good care of me whenever I pass through by her on my way to other destinations, so it was my pleasure to return the favor. It was lovely to be able to trade stories in person rather than over the phone, and to have her here in person for the first time in years.
After a busy season of ministry in July/August full of Vacation Bible School and ISCF camp and a mission trip to Guyana (you can read about it here in case you missed it https://adropindeocean.blogspot.com/2023/09/the-goodness-of-god-in-guyana.html) I took a vacation in September to visit some dear friends in Barbados. I was thoroughly spoiled during my time there. My hosts took exceptional care of me, my friends outdid themselves in their hospitality, God provided the best sunrises and sunsets, and the conversations and connections were so refreshing. I truly felt the love during my time there, and it was wonderful to reconnect with friends I had not seen for years.
I do not have the words to express how much I value those who have continued to support me in the ministry God has called me to. I could honestly not do it without your love and encouragement. Those who have prayed for me, checked in with me at random times, made regular or surprise financial contributions - I pray God will pour on you exceeding and abundantly more than you can ask or imagine. I don't know what is in store for me in 2024, but I know that with God on my side and the support of my community, it will be well.
Insightful Note
STEP BY STEP by Barbara C Ryberg
He does not lead me year by year, nor even day by day.
But step by step my path unfolds as My Lord directs my way
Tomorrow’s plans I may not know, I only know this minute,
But He will say, “This is the way. By faith now walk ye in it.”
And I am glad that it is so, today’s enough to bear.
And when tomorrow comes, His grace shall far exceed its care.
What need to worry then, or fret? The God who gave His Son,
Holds all my moments in His hand and gives them, One by One.
What's On
This Month

This Month's
Prayer & Praises
Let’s Pray Without Ceasing
For us as a Church and our Nation as we enter into a New Year; Let us fix our eyes on Jesus…not grow weary and lose heart Hebrews 12:2-4
As Schools reopen on January 2rd 2023, let us pray for:
Our students (Primary, Secondary, Pre-Tertiary & Tertiary)
Let’s Give Thanks
For the past Christmas season that was filled with merriment and fellowship
For God’s grace, mercy, guiding hand and blessings and He guides, carries and directs us through another year.
Preaching Schedule
Connected in Love; Maturing in Service
(Fully equipped for every good work)
Memory Verse:
So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming. Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. -Ephesians 4:11-16
Theme: | The Community of the Godhead in Service | |
JAN 07 | Elder Joe Caterson Jnr. | The Church Theme Introduced. |
JAN 14 | Elder Lindon Mitchel | God the Father serving His Creation |
JAN 21 | Pastor Kelvin Mapp Pastor Francis Warner | God the Son serving Mankind Speaker at RLMI at Campoo |
JAN 28 | Lindsay Gibbings | God the Holy Spirit serving the Believer |
Theme: | Mankind in need of Service | |
FEB 04 | Pastor Francis Warner TBD | Mankind in need of Service – spiritually Communion Service |
9:00 AM | Sunday Service |
10:00 AM | Sunday Junior Church |
11:30 AM | Sunday School |
6:00 PM | Wednesday CBSI |
7:15 PM | Wednesday Prayer Meeting |