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February 2024 Tablet

Volume 20, Issue 02
St. Augustine Evangelical Bible Church, Cor. Agostini & Bellesmythe Sts. Curepe



God is still

God is still Healer
when my loved ones are lying sick in bed.
God is still Provider
when I am waiting for what I am trusting Him to provide.
God is still Good
when my first nephew dies the day he was born.
God is still Love
when my innocent friend is murdered.
God is still Comforter
when the tears continue to flow.
God is still Almighty
when He doesn't stop a bad thing from happening.
God is still Deliverer
when I have yet to experience the victory.
God is still Trustworthy
when I have not yet received what has been promised.
God is still Faithful
when my prayers have not yet been answered.
God's character is not dependent on our circumstances. He is who He is, forever and always and in spite of.
If we are faithless,
he remains faithful,
for he cannot disown himself.
- 2 Timothy 2:13
Inspired by the question, "What does it mean to worship God for who He is, rather than what He does?"

By Deborah Dowlath from her blog: A drop in de Ocean



Nuggets from Ethnos360 Caribbean


1 Peter 2.9-10 tells us...” you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; 10 who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.” (NKJV)

1 Peter chapter 2 starts off challenging us IF we have tasted that the Lord is gracious, we would seek out His sincere Word which enables us to grow. This sincere Word tells us as believers in Jesus Christ that we are chosen, we are royal, we are holy and we are special to God. This sincere Word tells us that in Christ we are called out of the darkness of this sin-cursed earth into God’s marvelous light! This sincere Word tells us in John 1 that in Jesus was life, and His life was the light of men. These, and many other precious promises of hope and healing, are contained in this sincere Word. As we feed on it, as we desire it, and as we meditate on it- it will make our paths straight.

So many have not ever heard one Word from God’s sincere Word. Romans 10.14-15 questions us- How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent?

As we have begun 2024 and as we look back on the end of 2023 which heralded the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ our Redeemer, this is my prayer for all of us who know Him. That we let go of the things that are holding us back from fully committing to receiving and serving God. May God use us as we yield to the leading of His Holy Spirit. May we find encouragement in God’s sincere Word and in each other, to do what God’s Spirit is calling us to do. And may we do it all for the glory of God and for the good of man


What's On

This Month



Fun Corner


Local wisdom… T&T style!

There isn’t a single mosquito in T&T. They are all married with lots of hungry children.

All men are cremated equal.

Father to son: What do you want to be when you grow up?

Son’s reply: I want to be a Caution Man, Dad.

Father in shock: What is that?

Son excitedly: Haven’t you ever noticed the sign “Caution Men at Work” at a work site with a

group of men nearby doing nothing? I want to be a Caution Man just like them, and get paid for doing nothing.

When you are fasting it is OK to eat Fast Foods.


This Month's

Prayer & Praises

Let’s Pray Without Ceasing
  • The Leadership of the Church

    • For person the answer the call the “step-up”

    • For the Leadership Development Program to start off on a strong foot with called, eager and willing participants

  • For the SAEBC Sunder School to be sufficiently staffed

  • For SAYBOB

  • Our Church Missionaries

  • Our Nation of Trinidad and Tobago

  • Debbie Dowlath: - With Carnival Camp approaching lets prayer for 

  • Children and adults in the community would attend

  • Salvation of souls and rededications for those who have drifted away from God

  • Good health for all workers and campers

  • Safety for all

  • Spirit of unity amongst all workers

Let’s Give Thanks
  • For the new volunteers to Ekklesia World Ministries Camp

  • For God’s Grace and mercy bring us into another year and as we procced into another month, let us go with God, for and from God, grounded and growing in love.



Preaching Schedule

Mankind in Need of Service





Mankind in Need of Service

FEB 04

Pastor Francis Warner



Mankind in need of Service – in his relationships


Communion Service

FEB 11

Sean Lorde

Mankind in need of Service physically

FEB 18

Noel Rose


Pastor Francis Warner

Mankind in need of Service – in his relationships


Speaker at RLMI at Campoo

FEB 25

Maria Branford

Mankind in need of service – psychologically


Service as a Lifestyle – Following the Example of Jesus

MAR 03

Elder Lindon Mitchell





Communion Service



9:00 AM

Sunday Service

10:00 AM

Sunday Junior Church

11:30 AM

Sunday School

6:00 PM

Wednesday CBSI

7:15 PM

Wednesday Prayer Meeting

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